My skills
React & Next.js
Proficient in React
Experienced with advanced React, Next.js frameworks, Redux, HOC, SSR, API routes, and UI libraries.
3 years of experience
Proficient in Bootstrap, jQuery, APIs, and advanced JavaScript development.
Node & Databases
Backend with Node.js
Expert in Node.js, Socket.io, Telegram Bot API, MongoDB, Firebase, and Prisma.
UX/UI Design & Prototyping
Advanced UX & UI, prototyping in Figma,knowledge Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Advanced SCSS, CSS & HTML
Skilled in SCSS, CSS, and HTML with BEM methodology for responsive + structured layouts.
Proficiency in Languages
Fluent in Ukrainian, proficient in English (IELTS 7, C1), and Czech (B2).
Python AI
Fundamentals of Python
Basic Python skills, including loops and functions, with an introduction to AI.
Knowledge of Cybersecurity
Completed Cisco courses including Packet Tracer and Introduction to Cybersecurity.